Twas the week before CHRISTmas break......

The week before CHRISTmas break was full of fun. I only have pictures from Monday when we had Polar Express day with the Kindergarten class. Thank you Mrs. Wilson for all you did and for the pictures and Pastor Buckhahn for reading the story. Wednesday the students did an amazing job singing at the CHRISTmas program. Thursday the students put their bowling skills into action with a field trip to Stardust, thank you Mrs. Duclos!!!! When we returned we had a surprise waiting for us...our candy grams were delivered. Friday we started the 1/2 day with chapel where the 1st graders presented on Love and did so well telling about their pictures. Next up was craft day followed with cookie decorating with our 7th grade chapel buddies. We ended the day back in our own classroom playing CHRISTmas bingo. Whewwwwww!!!!!!! With that said I hope everyone enjoys their time off and I can't wait to see everyone in 2019 :)