Subtraction smash!!!!!!
The first graders had some fun on Friday with a game called Subtraction smash. It may have been the fact that they got to use play dough but every student in class had smiles on their faces. It filled my heart when I had a student as "can I take this home" meaning the game mat :) and then many more said "me too". The way the game works is each student gets a game mat which had boxes at the top and two circles at the bottom. Each circle was broke up with numbers in and the students used a paperclip and pencil to create a spinner. They would spin in the first circle and make that number of play dough balls and put in the boxes at the top. Then move on to the second circle and spin, this told them how many play-dough balls to smash. I get just as excited watching and listening to the students that many times I forget to take pictures. I did capture a few pictures during this activity.
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